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March 13-March 19, 2018

Hey Guys!
It was one interesting week that we have had.  Not that anything particularly weird happened, but I just felt a little different this week.  Probably the biggest change was that we had a bunch of new transfers in the Zone and so with that there was Elder McKinlay that moved in with us.  He is really cool and has about 4 months left in the mission.  Actually, his personality reminds me a lot of Uncle David.
So this week we checked out the new house and it is way nice.  So nice in fact that last night (Sunday) we decided to take all our blankets and sleep over.  It was on the ground on the fake grass out back but it was a lot of fun even though we didn't do anything other than give our numbers and write in our journals.  It was kind of like camping though because we couldn't use the electricity or water until we move in officially so we brought flashlights.  I slept really well but some others didn't so much. I will remember to take more pictures this week.
So por fin, we also had a baptism this week.  We were really working hard for 3 but one of them didn't show up to church and the other did, but when we were going to have the baptism, he had had to leave for the airport.  So we are actually going to baptize him tonight.  We have been working with Esteban since mid February helping him to stop smoking.  He is a really chill kind of guy and both his parents are menos activos.  Anyway, I will send pictures of that next week.  We also found some really cool people to teach this week.
We are working pretty hard, but we were contacting this street and this guy walks by.  So we say hello and asks him if he wants to learn more (trying the direct approach) and he said yes (not the same drunk guy from the week before)  Anyway, Jan is super dope and he came to church and when we passed by to teach lesson 1, he said it answered a lot of his questions about God speaking in today´s time.  We were able to testify that he does and always will call prophets to guide us.  
 It has been one big learning experience in the mission.  I have learned a lot and I continue to see the Lords hand guiding my progression.
There are a lot of good times and also some hard times, but I have started to learn to appreciate both.  We have a lot of good people here in Chile.  We are actually teaching this one lady Paola and we have gotten her to stop cigarettes and she was really appreciative of that, but the thing is, is that the Lord is the one who has given her this guidance and meta (goal).  We really just challenge people to do the things the Lord needs like pray and it is interesting to see that that change comes from them and not us.  When people do what the Lord asks, they become better people.
Your guy´s Waco trip looked way fun. Were you guys just there for the weekend? The food over there looks really good and so did that Dr. Pepper museum.  I hear they have a store called Jumbo down in Iquique that sells more American stuff than Lider like root beer and Dr Pepper.  I still need to make a trip down there sometime.
Other than that looks like a lot of fun time down there.  I was talking with Elder Turner about how quickly the time has flown.  There seems to be 2 types of missions, one where the time seems to take forever and the other where it seems like the person had just left.  I feel like mine is more like the second.  We have conference coming up in 2 weeks and then after that it is just a hop, skip, and a jump to my 10month/birthday.  I remember talking about that point a lot  and now it has finally arrived.
I hope everything is going well with you guys.  Love and pray for you everyday
Elder Porter
chorus boys


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