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April 10- April 16, 2018

This week has just been a blur.  I did a few intercambios, used my new camera a lot, and most of all, taught some dope lessons.  We actually had a really neat opportunity to have a lesson with the aunt of one of our converso recentes.  We invited the matrimonion misioneros to come and help us, because one the main focuses that we are making with her is about marriage.  As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, we believe that the family is sacred and that children have a divine right to have a father and mother commited to each other through marriage.  Children learn and have the best chance of success in this life when these circumstances are present.  Anyways, Vanessa has a pareja (little bit more than a boyfriend in the sentido of spanish) who lives with her and on Friday we helped them come to the decision to formalize their relationship and get married!
That was probably the biggest miracle of the week.  Of course the Lord puts many, many others in our path throughout as my comp and I put in more and more faithful work.  We hope to see them continue to progress and make changes in their lives.
So with this being the last week of cambios, there is a good chance that I will have a new companion on Monday.  I swear that the last 3 months have flown by since I arrived here.  It has been a blessing and a curse because I have really enjoyed my time here with these people.  Chances are that I will be staying and my comp is leaving, but he is a great guy and I have learned a lot from him.
Anyways, we will be working for the miracles this week.
¡Sigan Fiel!
Photos:  Arriving to the middle of nowhere little pueblicito on intercambio
              The Elders of the Pension
               The Power is in the Book (of Mormon)

A message that everyone should know
Views from Alto Hospicio
Elder Moon and Jeffrey (my friends from the Pampa)

From our letter:
So I noticed the emails were a little short this week.  Hope you guys still love me ;)
So this week was pretty good.  We did a few intercambios and I got the chance to see a few other parts of the zone.  It was really good and I took  a ton of new photos with the new camera.  I really am liking the long exposure setting.  Anyways, you should probably be getting a lot of new photos.
I cannot say that there was a whole lot of stuff that happened.  The joven that was going to get baptized on Sunday couldn´t because during this week, her mother´s health condition (she has cancer) got really bad and she had to leave last minute.  I am happy that she is able to visit her mom and I hope everything turns out alright.
We also got another sweet reference from a girl in the branch and we have 2 appointments this week with her.  Other than that, life is pretty normal.  Overall I am trying to be more dilligent but I always feel like I can do just a bit more.
Anyways, we are going to find out cambios this Friday and my guess is that Elder Turner is heading out.  It is possible that I could be going too, but it is a lot less likely.  Yesterday we were at the house of one of the converso recientes that we had and he prayed that we could both stay.  It was pretty sweet and he is a good guy.  I also got everything done for my carnet and should be getting that in the mail on the 10th or so of May.  We had to go down on Friday to Iquique because the registro civil didn't do what we needed, so we took a long trip and then after we finished, spent some time walking trying to find a collectivo back up.  That is what the one video is.
Last night we slept up on the roof of our new house because we could.  We all like the outdoors a lot so it was kind of like camping.  We slept pretty well and had a good time.(From mom--it is good to be young! A concrete floor doesn't seem all that comfortable to me ;)  )  The guys we share with are way fun and I am glad we had this cambio.


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