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February 6 -February 12, 2018

Hello all!

It has been one of those weeks in the desert.  So it was pretty funny that this past week I got all the Christmas mail.  I got 8 cards from the family and Wendy Patterson and Sister Ehlers (my seminary teacher in VA)  I also got Nancy´s puro peanut butter package!  I gifted 2 jars and I have eaten one and am halfway through a second!!!  Super happy about that.  No other packages to report.  I also received the really nice leather case for my Bible that I ordered back in December.  This guy in Santiago does them custom.  You just tell him what you want on the front and back covers and spine.  Pretty much able to use any gospel artwork.  It is way sweet.   When we got home to drop it all off, we left for work.  And there was a straight up dust storm for 20 minutes that we had to walk through.  It was very windy and I had some sand in my teeth for a few hours afterwards.
This week was really good in other ways.  We were able to make a lot of progress with some of our investigators.   We have this really sweet old couple that has been married for 51 years.  He doesn't have any teeth, but they sure enjoy having us around.  We are working with them to come to church because they can't walk very far and the church is outside our sector.  Also this week we saw some other milagros with how our baptism turned out!  We had Madai who was an antiguo investigator that we street contacted during my first week and this week she was baptized! There were a few bumps in the road, but the Lord guided us and we overcame.
Photos:  View of Iquique from our Sector in Alto Hospicio
View of our Sector and Wonderful Turnercito (we have two Elder Turners in the same house)

More views of the desert 
A tranquil pack of stray dogs
Custom made Bible cover


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