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Dec. 10-17

This week was a little off, we didn't really quite have all the success that we were hoping for both in the sector and in the district, but we pulled through.  Learning to enjoy hard times as well as the good times. So I have to say there really isn't too much to report for things that happened this week. I did a few interviews that went really well and we confirmed our friend Roberto.  He is making slow but steady progress in the gospel and its cool to see the change.

We have Christmas Conference on
 Thursday so looking forward to that. Yes, Arica is coming down so I will be seeing some more old friends. Then we have transfers the 31 of December so we will be seeing a new cambio for the new year.  It's kind of up in the air if I will stay or not because I am training and it's not unheard of to have 5 transfers, but at the same time I could be going.  I am just not going to say anything about it and put it in the hands of the Lord.
Today we went up to Hospicio as a district, took some photos and had fun.

Happy Birthday Dad! We ate cake here in your favor. Fun fact:  Elder Burton's mom also shares your birthday so it was a double reason to celebrate. The members gave us money for lunch that day and the other elders made plans with a menos activo familia so the money became for the 2 of us and we feasted.  Really enjoyed the picture of the cake.  It made me laugh.


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