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January 22- January 28, 2019

Yes, this week just flew by.
Highlights 6 intercambios (exchanges with other elders) to do interviews in many different parts of Antofagasta.  Result: The ward had 7 baptisms this weekend!  It was lit!  Elders San Martin and Cachiguango are really good missionaries and it is a pleasure to share the ward with them and learn from them.
RAIN !  It drizzled last night waking me up at 2:30 with a wet bed.  Being as it never rains, the tin roofs are put on top of the houses with very little thought to what angle they slope towards, which in this case, happened to be right above my bed.  Still slept good though!
My comp got bit by a big dog so I have felt a little wary while walking this week.
We got to eat lunch with our amigos today and it was really great to get to sit down and really get to know them better.  
We just keep working here in the field of the Lord.  Really excited and grateful for the experiences I have had and for the next few months that I have left.
Didn't take pics this week except for a few and also from last week that I couldn't send.  Also cool fact they have wild seals that live here
Elder Porter

From the Family letter

Okay, so I will put all the answers to the question up top.  Our room has no windows to the outside but a hole to let in the rain ;)  I did put up the family calendar.  It is right above my bed, but the only available nail was way up there so you can't really see it in the videos.  But I use it.  On the opposite side that you don't see is a bunch of pictures of Christ. Honestly, we spend so little time in the house, it really just is a place to sleep.  So our family that we are teaching invited us for lunch.  We ate arroz paisano which was just arroz chaufa but colombian with a Maracuya smoothie and a soup.  It was a lot of fun.  We ran out of time so we are going bowling with them probably next week.   Didn't take many photos but lots of videos.
Elder Burton told me about the shower.  It also burst on the people down below  and flooded their house.  Really glad to not have been there. (He is referencing his last apartment.  He moved from the area about 3 weeks ago)
Well, this week was really cool.  The other elders in our ward baptized 7 this weekend and I got to do the interviews for 5 of them and some more on top of that because they are going to have 2+ this weekend.  We were going to baptize a young person but the mom didn't give us permission, but we are going to baptize another joven this Sunday and a cool dude we met last week and hopefully our Columbian friends.  Story from this week I ate spaghetti with a sweet sauce that included raisins.  Not the biggest fan of it but it is food! I did another interview on the other side of the city and Felipe was way cool.  He has dreds and is Mapuche or Chilean native.  We had a pretty deep interview.  He bore his testimony and expressed how our church is the only one where he really felt accepted.  A HUGE part of that is the members. Asi que you should try to make all the new people feel welcome.  Also, I got invited to consejo de lideres (leaders council) tomorrow so that will be cool.
All my clothes are good.  I forgot to pull out some of the clothes from my suitcase that I haven't taken out since Arica or the CCM. ( Mom note-- this was about 16  months ago!) Last Tuesday I actually found a pair of blue slacks that I forgot about.  All smooth and clean and I know I haven't touched them since the CCM.  Nice little surprise.  Also wore through my first shirt last week in the elbows.  Might just convert it to a short sleeve camisa.
Really looking foward to these last 3 cambios (transfers).  I know they will be the best of the mission.  Then I also look forward to the house.  
Love you lots
Elder Porter


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