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Oct. 3 -Oct. 10 Week 8

Hello Everyone 

     I have had a great week and I hope it was the same for ya'll.  I completed 3 months in the mission last week and to celebrate I ate a delicious churasco.    Hoy día we went up to the Morro that is here in Arica and that was just fantastic.  It had some great views but I also realized how brown it is here.  There really is a limited amount of green.
     I learned a lot about patience this week with myself.  I have noticed that I am still in the beginning of the mission and there is time.  I received a really personal impression from the Spirit during this week and that has given me a lot of comfort and peace.  My testimony of the fact that God knows us and helps us as we strive to develop and learn more has grown so much since coming out.  It isn´t always easy, but when it is easy I get complacent, and that is not why we are here.  We are here to grow and progress!  We have seen that with one of our investigators that we met last week.  He had a lot of troubles and turmoil with himself and his home, but as we have taught him, he has said that he feels happier.  He actually smiles now which is really great because we see that he is progressing.  and the best part... He is getting baptized this Friday! After that I know he will just learn so much!
Preparation day with some other elders in our district
Lion King re-enactment
El Morro

Excerpt from family letter
Did you ever get your coconut pie? Yes and it was delicious.

Spiritual moment of the week--We have a baptism on Friday!   We met R last week and he was ateo (atheist).  He is 16 and he had a lot of weird questions.  But after first contact where we taught Lesson 3, we taught him Lesson 1 and gradually he has started to feel the Spirit.  He told us he feels more comfortable and happy.  He attended church for all 3 hours, a ward activity, and I gave him a blessing for school.  He is progressing well and he is getting baptized! TA!

What kinds of food do you cook/fix for yourself in your apartment?   I have hard boiled eggs.  Kraft mac and cheese.  Those if I have time.  I also have toast and have been blending a mix of apple banana orange and milk in a smoothie sort of thing.  I am trying to make it a little thicker but it still tastes good.  Granola or cereal with yogurt.  Toddys(Chip´s ahoy).  Peanuts.  

Do you ever feel homesick anymore?  If so, how do you combat that?   No.  I think about home sometimes but really just memories.  I don´t necessarily feel a longing to be back.  But the best way I think was to focus on Christlike attributes, develop healthy relationships and have an understanding of la obra.
Have you started dreaming in Spanish yet?   It happens infrequently.  My dreams are super raro. (rare)
Pic of my coconut cream pie and us burning roaches in our apartment.


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