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Feb 5 - Feb 11, 2019


I got transferred... about 20 minutes away.  I think because the micro bus took a very long windy route.  Good news is I still get to see everyone that I knew in zone conferences.  My new companion (number 11) is Elder Jensen and he has 1 transfer less than me.  He too is from Canada like my last comp and they actually have a lot of friends in common.
We had a really good last week in the sector that was filled with doing interviews and finding some cool new people.  But I have to say the best part of the week was church. As a missionary, it can be the most stressful morning of the week trying to verify and get people to come.  Well, it was still that way, but we were able to confirm our 2 friends from last week and the other companionship confirmed their 7.  Yes, we had 9 confirmations at church.  Actually it took so long that the sacrament put us over the hour and to the disappointment of the high councilor visiting, he could only speak for 2 minutes.  Yes, a missionary's ideal sacrament meeting.
We keep working hard. and even though I am now in the final 3 transfers (18 weeks) I feel like these are going to be some of the best and I will be learning a ton
saying goodbye to some friends

 From dad's email
I think (hopefully) you will notice that I became a lot more patient person in the mission.  I got to study this week a little bit of Mosiah 14 and actually it is an Isaiah chapter.  It hit me a little bit in v6 where it said the price of our peace was on him and really made me realize that our actions  (the majority), if left to our own devices, don't lead us to happiness  Christ suffered for us so that we can have the joy of repenting daily and erasing our mistakes and the feelings that can come with that.  Great Sunday.  Also our convert that was confirmed left to work with us the whole day.  He is super happy to be with us and wants to be a missionary. He is 16 asi que could happen in a few years.


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