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November 21- November 27, 2017 Week 15

Hola Amigos

I hope all is doing well with you!  I enjoyed seeing that I had 18 emails to read when I got on today.  This past week has been really good.  We were able to do a service project for the person that we baptized this past week.  We built her a roof on her house.  Because it never rains here, there a a lot of homes that don't have techos but because of the Sol (sun) she wanted one of the rooms covered up.  It took about 4 hours but it was worth it.  When we got back to the pension, my comp showered first.  We were pretty dirty and sweaty and so I was really looking foward to a shower, but literally within a minute of my comp leaving the bathroom, they shut off our water for who knows what reason.  So we had to ask a neighbor for some water and I took something akin to a bucket bath.  It was really cold water but I survived.  I am actually doing pretty good healthwise.  I was able to weigh myself for the first time since coming on the mission and I gained about 15lbs so I guess that means I am eating well, but there have been a few emails asking if I gained some weight.  I swear the camera adds some because I am still flaco.  :)

Didn't do anything for Thanksgiving which was a bummer but the mamita did make mashed potatoes and meat with gravy.  The crazy thing is she wasn't aware of Thanksving being on that day, so it was a little miracle.    I feel like I really made some progress this week.  It can be hard sometimes talking with people because I don't share (yet) a common culture or knowledge of foods and fruits I have never even seen before) but I  feel a lot of peace and perspective as I have put my worries aside and try to focus on improving everyday.  that is the reason we are here on Earth is to experience things and become better.

We have Christmas Conference this week and I am way looking foward to it.  We do have to take a 5 hour bus ride and won’t get a lot of sleep, but it will be a chance to see a lot of new things and talk with some of the other missionaries from the CCM.   We did experience another miracle this week with the daughter of an  active sister en el barrio.  She hasn't been baptized because her father felt she wasnt ready, but we talked with the daughter and practiced with her how to ask because she really wanted to be baptized.   When we called the family the next day,  the mom told us that the father had initially said no but with some help from the wife, he said yes and would even come to the baptism!  We are going to meet with them later today, but MIRACLE

Rosa at her baptism and meal with ward right after


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