This week has been pretty typical like most weeks. Talking, teaching, BAPTIZING!
We did a lot of walking and a lot of talking. The members have been starting to give us references and that has been helping us so much to find people to teach. We We had a baptism this weekend of a matrimonio that I first contacted with our ward mission leader 7 weeks ago. It was pretty neat to see them come along. They dont have great financial situation so they have to work a lot (Gregorio works 7 days on and 7 off) and we couldnçt meet with them all at the same time, but we were able to set a day where they both could be baptized! It was a good service and my companion Elder Campos even did a special musical number with a guitar.
Afterwards we went out to eat a pichanga (mountain of meat and french fries) with our papito (the family who always gives us lunch) Fue un dia bacan.
We are preparing to baptize another investigator named Fabian. He is a university student who did drugs and drank a lot but we changed that last week and now he feels ready to be baptized! He is really cool and is studying topography for a civil engineering degree.
This week I learned a lot about recognizing the Holy Ghost. It is something that we need to be aware of constantly and something that we should pray for every day to guide our actions. 1 Nefi 10 talks a lot about how we can learn to understand gospel truths. When Nefi wanted to learn for himself there were 5 points that I picked out. First he had to hear what was being said and that the Spirit also need to be present. As missionaries, our job is to invite the Spirit so that the words we say are learned by the investigator. Afterward he had to think and ponder about these things and afterwards it said that he had Faith in Jesus Christ that he could learn these things. Then we need to have the action and desire to work for our answers and finally be willing to hear what it is the Lord would tell us. As we do these things, our knowledge and faith grows and we have a understanding that we have a FAther in Heaven who loves us and has given us the restored and complete gospel of Jesus Christ to help us obtain success in this life.
Hope all is well with yall. I enjoy reading all your emails!
Exchanges with my favorite Peruvian in the zone |
Out to eat Pichanga with our Papito
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