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Dec. 26, 2017 -Jan. 8, 2018 Weeks 20 and 21

Hey Everyone!

Sorry I didn't write last week, but Christmas was way good.  We were able to talk with the family!  I had to do mine over Facebook messenger because Skype and Google werent turning out very well, but it was good.  The ward members took good care of us and we ate lots of food.  The members gave us ties, candy, sunglasses (for the comp who doesn't have glasses) and lots of love.  They celebrate on the 24th here and open all the presents at midnight.  Well we had to go to bed before then so we just had a BBQ (because it is also 80 degrees here) .  We had chicken, potatoes and Pan de Pascua.  Chileans love their fruitcake.  IT is actually pretty good here. I am not sure what it is like in the states but there is a stereotype for a reason.Then on Christmas Day we had a chess tournament in the house we live in with another companionship and then enjoyed the day and did some Christmas shopping.  For dinner we had tacos .  Big blessing right there.
     For New Years they have some good traditions but they are really different from the States.  One thing they like to do is make life size mannequins with with fireworks and old clothes and burn them.  So that was kind of neat I think.  I took a picture with one of them. Then we had to go to bed early for safety.  This morning there were tons of trash and cualquier cosa en la calle, but that didn't stop us from having a zone activity  (we played rugby on the beach).
     I am really loving the people and the mission more and more as I try to focus on doing my best and helping others.  Nothing really exceptionally spiritual to report for this week, but I am learning more and more what it means to work as aservant of the Lord.  The mission is a great experience, but it takes your whole heart might mind, and strength.  THe Lord is hastening His work, be there for it.  With the new year upon us, try to focus on growing your relationship with Christ, because only as you do that, you find yourself growing in many other ways.

Love you all tons!

on the micro bus

Effigy that they burn on New Years

Jan.1- Jan. 8, 2018
     This week really just has been a blur.  We are teaching tons and working really hard.  So the thing is that I don't remember a whole lot of what we did because most of it was just talking with tons of people.  So I will just share this experience that I had at church.
    We Had 4 really good possibilities for baptism this week but this last Sunday when we went to pick them up the family members were not that awesome and refused to wake them up or let us talk to them.  So that was a little frustrating but when we got to the capilla (church)  we saw some milagros.  R and his wife came!  R was excommunicated 4 years ago.  He and his family are really awesome and I have really come to love them.  Also their daughter turned 9 on Saturday and so there is double blessings there (they want to baptize her).  As we were sitting in Sacrament meeting, I felt tons of peace and love from nuestro Padre Celestial (Heavenly Father) and the prompting came to me that we were recovering the Lord's lost sheep and  that this one was especially precious in His sight.  I was helping him to recover his rights and blessings.  I was really emotional all the way up to the sacrament and I am still really emotional when I think about it. That I think, was the most sacred moment so far in the mission and it gives me great joy. Then a converso reciente (recent convert) that I called that morning (she was baptized before I got here) also came and bore her testimony how she was wanting to come back to church and that was the moment that I had called her and invited her.  It really humbles me to see that at least for that day I could see how I had been a tool in the Lord´s hands.
Love you all! 


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