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March 6-March 12, 2018

 Hey Family!
Today for Pday we napped and then went to the feria and I also skinnied a tie I found in the Pension.  Sunglasses are good and I look awesome.  We don't have a mamita but we have some very sturdy back up with the mamita de Elder Campos for clothes and Las Americas for food.  We told the RS president and actually need to follow up on that.
Transfers came and went.  We are staying together for another 6 weeks and we have some good stuff going.  Elder Campos is leaving even though his comp had 4 cambios here and he only had two.  He is leaving to Antofagasta to finish his mission.  Elder Mckinlay is coming in.  Also we are moving to a new pension and it is probably the most gueco (cool? nice?) in the mission.  We will be moving this week or next.  Not sure yet.
So this week was one of straight miracles.  I think it was one of those ways that God lets us know that we are doing good.  Of course your emails helped but I was so happy with how this week went.   We met a ton of people that are ready for baptism.  And before I go to much further, Elder Turner has really helped me to understand more about overcoming difficulty and understanding things from an eternal perspective.  Also studied a lot on it in the Conference issues and the Liahona.  There is actually an article called The Lord Blesses us when we endure well (but in Spanish)  So the miracles are that we found a ton of really good people, one of them we met on the way to do a baptism interview for another.  He was drunk but our ZL Elder Turner asked if he wanted to be visited and he said yes.  So we got his address and phone number and to my great surprise, he came to church on Sunday and now wants to bring his daughters and help them to be baptized.  (That was only one cool story)
So funny stories this week.  One of them is that we gave a lesson to a lady and she started breastfeeding right there in front of us without blanket or anything.  Her boyfriend was right there and is a MA  (less active)by coincidence.  He has a tattoo of gandalf from Lord of the Rings.
Also as we were studying one morning, we hear some meowing and we walk out to the stairs and there is a kitten at the bottom of it.  Long story short, he was very playful and loving but we kicked him out after the first night because we can't have him.  Well somehow he keeps entering the house and we are not sure how except from the back patio but we don't know how because all the surrounding houses are way high up and would kill him if he jumped.
Final funny story is that after our baptism fell (we had 4 baptisms fall this week) we went back out to work anoche and we handed out flyers for english class and we passed by 2 15 year old girls.  Well they passed us without taking a flyer and then they returned after a few minutes, then one of them takes the flyer and then asks if I can stick out my arm (this made me suspicious) then she asked me to stick out my other arm and put my hands together and as I do this she attempts to duck under and into my arms.  She was kinda slow so I put down my arms before anything happened.  Anyways, they left after that.
Yeah I have kind of learned a lot this week as far as being steadfast through hard times.  I know a little bit better now what the Lord expects of me.  I am not perfect but I feel like I have grown a ton this past couple weeks.  Dad, thanks for all that you do and I hope you are drowning in estrogen haha.(Sorry, mom)  Its like a reverse deployment.  Sometimes when I introduce myself, I tell people I came on the mission to escape all the women I lived with and that usually draws a laugh.  I actually really love the fam.  I just wish some of the people we talk with could see how awesome it is and how they can have it too.  You guys are in my prayers.
Zone conference last week


Liked the sign (Jesus of Nazareth Way)

Waiting for the bus


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