Hey Family,
This week has been better than most. I feel like I am starting to hit my stride with teaching and talking with others. I really appreciate all the Lord has done for me. I am starting to love my area and the people I am working with. I am still making mistakes..... last night we were with 2 members and I had made a joke and anyway she was mock offended so I thought that I should get on my knees to ask for forgiveness and it worked. I didn't describe that story very well but yeah apparently getting down on both knees, not just one, is how you propose marriage here. Oops. So that was interesting and a little awkward. But I do feel more at peace here and getting into the swing of things. Right now the ward is in Lima on a Temple Trip for this week so we don't have a lot of people to help us teach. We did find this family from the Ward mission Leader (his uncle) and they are going to get baptized on the 30th of Sept! Him and his family so that is 3 and there is also this other person that lives nearby who is a really strong possibility for baptism this month as well.
He is a convert for about a few years. But he lives with his mom who can't work because she broke her right hand a few months ago and spends a lot of time in therapy. She is less active and speaks really fast so I don't understand all she says. So they don't really have a lot of money, but they get by. He is really great and is looking to serve a mission. He has this puppy that I kind of don't like, but really I am disliking dogs more and more because I see them everywhere doing everything.:)
When we taught the family I mentioned above for the second time. I was able to lead that lesson and I felt the Spirit very strongly and helping me speak the language. I was able to invite them to baptism and they accepted. I think a large part of it was thinking about them, what their needs were, and trying to understand best how to help them. Our Ward mission leader is a return missionary of 5 months and after those 2 lessons, he gave me a lot of good advice and praise and made me feel really good. Also, the first time we taught that family, it was just me and him on divisions. My comp was with Abraham teaching a menos activo. Anyway, the girlfriend of an investigator saw us and because it was night time and the WML is super skinny, she thought that I was about the town with a niña! It was pretty hilarious and Abraham´s mom cleared it up.
You don't have kissing bugs in your apartment do you? Nope, just cucarachas.
How were the Independence day celebrations?
Since it is today not really a whole lot to mention. We had some food (empanadas, sopa y Mote) Watched some kids dance the Cueca. It has been super peaceful. Nothing like the 4th of July
What is your favorite food there so far? Everything is really good. Empanadas and completos are delicious and if you can find a chilean restaurant there, go eat there! There is a less active hermana that is a pastry chef and so besides that picture of the strawberry tart, I also ordered a coconut cream pie for October 2nd. I hope it turns out good.
Is the bread as good as everyone says? Yeah, I like it a lot. It is round and flat like a squished roll and the inside is kind of layered. I enjoy it a lot.
What do you usually eat at your Mamita's?
Really just about anything. Usually 3 courses with a Salad or something and for the main part it is usually a dish with potatoes and meat and rice. Everything is really good and she is a great cook. Postre is yogurt or peaches and cream.
Probably time to take one of your suits to the cleaners. If I could find one!! I havent seen anything at all for suit jackets and so the best I have been able to do is just wash the slacks. I will ask about that tonight
I hope you get both your packages with this next transfer. When is that supposed to happen? We have transfers this Saturday the 23ish.
I am feeling good emotionally. The other companionship we live with are the zone leaders and they offer a lot of encouragement which I appreciate. At the end of the day, I feel pretty good. I know that primarily I am accountable to the Lord and as long as I keep that in my mind as I work, then I am on the right track. Mosiah 3:19 says that in order to become like Christ we need to become submissive meek humble, patient, full of love, and willing to endure all things the Lord sees fit to inflict upon him. This is my goal I am learning these things that I could in no other way. When I focus on the work, things work and the time passes. I love you guys a lot. I really enjoy writing to you and hearing about how things are going back home.
Love you all!!!!!
Elder Porter
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Andrew, I enjoy reading these posts so much. I often reread them just to feel the Spirit in your missionary work. I'm grateful for this blog.
ReplyDeleteI can't imagine being brave enough to eat food I've not seen before but I'm glad there's such a good cook taking good care of you.
Is there something comparable here to what you call"cucaraches"?
I do admire your courage to do what is right. I'm grateful to see the growth you be experienced although you've only been tjere for a short time. Thank you for your example of faith and humility.
I love you lots and pray for you each day. Aunt Nancy