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Dec 12-Dec 18, 2017 Week 18

Andrew didn't have time for a group letter this week so here is an excerpts of our family letter and the pics that he sent.
Hey Family!!!
So I wanted to first write to say that I think I will be calling you guys at home next Monday at 530 pm our time.  We have an hour to talk and I am way looking foward to it.
News about transfers.......I am staying in Arica for my 4th cambio aqui.  Elder Campos se fue a Alto Hospicio to be a Zone Leader.  My nuevo companero is Elder Wheelwright from Morgan, Utah.  He has a bit of a western accent.  That is right, I got a gringo.  He is way cool for the 4 hours that I have known him.  He is a really obedient dude and I see us performing a lot of miracles in the sector for this cambio.
This week was really busy.  We were working pretty hard to find someone to baptize this week but it didn't pan out.  That is alright though, because we were finally able to confirm our investigadora yesterday.  It had been about 5 weeks since she was baptized and she was finally able to finish it yesterday!!!
This week was pretty normal.  I did an intercambio  with my ZL elder James on Friday to help this hermana get confirmed and the reason that she hadn't in the past was because she needed to work in the Flea Market .  The thing was that if she left her stand she was going to get hit with a huge fine.  But also there were Presidential Election in Chile on Sunday so the flea market closed.  Miracle!!  But our plan originally was that the zone leader was going to come and take her place while she got confirmed and then return working.  That would have been super loco.   Also during this intercambio we passed a sign for a lost turtle so yeah. 
This week during my studies, I have really focused on the Christlike attribute of diligence.  The Lord really only expects us to do our part and he will make up the rest.  We can show our diligence through our obedience and as we work to overcome our own desires and really give all for the Señor, we lose ourselves.  I am going to try really hard to just give my all to the Lord this week.  This really is His Work and I have great faith that if I can put in the work and have a grateful attitude, He will bless us.   I am also trying really hard to be guided by the Spirit in the lessons and so if you could help me out with that in your prayers I would really appreciate that.  I love you guys a lot.  I got to give an impromptu talk in church on Sunday.  I spoke about Alma 7-24 and I think it is really applicable to a lot of things.    The attributes of Christ really can help us out in so many ways.
Also I have not received any package.  I expect to see one though in about 2 weeks.  
Aghhh  So many good movies.  Please guardarlos para mi cuando vuelvo.  I am also trying harder to help people with their concerns that they have.  I do stress a little about them, and lately my dreams have been about the investigadores and you guys.  Like I am with you but still a missionary trying to help people.  It is a little odd.  

Lots of love your way.


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