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February 13- February 19, 2018

Hey yall!

What a week it has been!  Saw some difficulties, but also some milagros.  The Lord is with us every step of the way.  I have really been studying a lot about what it means to put the Lord first in our life.  Many times we get too distracted with what we think and forget that the Lord places a way for each of us to overcome obstacles.  
I love this Scripture from Matthew 6 and 3 Nephi 14 
20 sino haceos tesoros en el cielo, donde ni la polilla ni el orín corrompen, y donde ladrones no minan ni hurtan.
21 Porque donde esté vuestro tesoro, allí estará también vuestro corazón.
28 Y por el vestido, ¿por qué os afanáis? Considerad los lirios del campo, cómo crecen; no trabajan ni hilan; 

31 No os afanéis, pues, diciendo: ¿Qué comeremos o qué beberemos, o con qué nos hemos de vestir?
32 Porque vuestro Padre Celestial sabe que tenéis necesidad de todas estas cosas.
33 Mas buscad primeramente el reino de Dios y su justicia, y todas estas cosas os serán añadidas. 
Super great theme here that I think we can all learn from.
Also really cool short story.  It was Thursday night and we were kind of a little down on the animo.  It had been an unusually difficult day and we were heading back to the house for the night.  As my comp and I were near the limit of our sector, I decided to make a quick last contact.  That is how we met Eric.  He is actually taller than I am and had been praying for the guidance of the Lord in his life.  To be honest, I really don't know why we contacted him, we had almost passed him when we just started to talk to him.  He is really cool and he came to church with us this Sunday and now his Baptism is this Saturday.  It was a huge milagro and really a testimony builder that we do not know who the Lord has prepared, but it is our job to seek them out and build their relation.
That's all the time I have for today.  
Behind the house, Branch Valentines party, Sunglasses shopping

 Pics of my bedroom, the house(the one with the wooden fence), front patio and our bathroom.  (Editor's note--I am DYING over this bathroom)

From the family letter
It was one heck of a week.  I got really stressed this week and just did a lot of stuff.  Not sure, but I feel like I am in for a period of growth on the mission.  We worked a whole lot this week, just a little bit more than we did last week, but I felt like the whole time we were hitting walls.  Like everything just seemed like a lot more work and struggle to complete the same things.  But don´t worry, this won't be a pessimistic email.  I will just say that we were way low on our lessons with members, we only met half the standard, but the rest was pretty good.
This week we went and tried meeting with a lot of people that we had contacted.  Every week during weekly planning, I like to create our priority list of people who are the most likely to get baptized and we usually center our plans around them.  It's funny how every time we update the list, I can see just how different things change with a weeks worth of time.  The old couple we were talking about in the last email believe everything we have taught.  The only thing is that they are not willing to miss work to go to church.  They work in the flea market and only on Saturday and Sunday and Sunday is their best day.  We will keep praying to help them with that.  
Today we are going to go over and learn how to make delicious Chilean bread before Pday ends.  We also have Zone Conference to look forward to this Thursday and an interview with President on Friday.  I am having big hopes this week!
The branch had a Valentine's day activity this week and it was way cool.  We invited some investigators, but they didn't show up.  The branch members were joking that we didn't bring our girlfriends.  HAHA
Also had a noche de talentos and I wrote a song to play with E turner on the Ukulele.  I don't know ukulele but Elder Campos showed me a few chords and then I just wrote some lyrics during language study.  It isn´t awesome, but I will record a  video and send it to you next week.
Editor's note--as if the bathroom wasn't bad enough, he sent me this video of a giant spider in their apartment 


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