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February 20 - February 26, 2018

Hey Guys,
Sorry I have to be short with this email but this week just flew by.  We are working a lot to see some big miracles in our sector and although it was a trying week, sabemos que el Señor está con nosotros.  Our baptism fell which was too bad but we have good hopes that not all is lost.  The Lord also guided us to some pretty neat people so we are looking at a pretty good week.
Not much else happened except for our Zone Conference in Iquique.  It was really good and we learned a lot about diligence and about virtue.    The Lord walks with us everyday and knows each person. As teachers of Jesus Christ our purpose is to guide people to salvation.  Our intent and love for each person is key.
Sorry again for the briefness.  Got to go pick up my new prescription sunglasses.  Photos to follow
            Holy water, the only thing that keeps me going (yeah its just normal
            Spiny cactus are good for keeping the dogs away (also just joking)
            Came all the way to Chile to try out their KFC

Iquique has more stuff to do than Alto Hospicio

Excerpt from the family letter
This week was one of ups and downs.  Really kind of was good overall.  I felt like we really put in our all to make sure that the miracles come.  The thing is though that sometimes the Lord tries us and that is  alright.  He is always walking right beside us and that thought has really helped me in those trying moments this week.  Really the hard part was that our baptism fell through. On the day he was going to have his entrevista,  he left to work in Pozo Almonte which is 40 minutes away and when we called him on Saturday to see if he would be home to be baptized, his replies were really odd and he cut us off a few times.  Then he didn't come to church.  It really doesn´t make a lot of sense because he was super listo but we are going to give him a few days space and make contact with him again. This free agency thing is hard!
This week was really good in other ways and I am telling you the time is really flying by.  We had Zone Conference where we talked a lot about virtue and how virtue is the poder para controlar sus pensamientos.(power to control our thoughts)  As I was studying it, also it says another measure is how often we remember Jesus Christ throughout our day and that really helped me during the stressful and disappointing moments.  I also had my interview with President which was really good.  He spoke of some ways on how we could help the sector more which included visiting and contacting a lot more menos activos.  
Also on Tuesday last week we left early because the District president wanted to meet with all the missionaries and what we found out is that they had actually prepared a breakfast for all the missionaries here in Hospicio. It was really nice.
Cool stories from this week, ummm.  We made no bake cookies a few times and that is about it.  We also did contact some really dope people and I am excited to follow up with them.
Elder Turner and I are trying to contact more menos activos.  The ones we have found we are going around and offering to dedicate their homes because many of them don't even realize that it is a thing and they really appreciate it.  We did it with this one hermana and this guy that was a missionary but now is old. Anyways, we dedicated their home and the guy almost began crying because he said he felt the Spirit after not having done so in so much time and that he would come to church that week si o si. (He didn´t but that's alright).  Our job as missionaries is to connect people to the spirit.  We also did it for another family and she was about to scold us for not coming over sooner and also send us away, but after we said we came to dedicate her house and explained what that meant, she invited us in and we gained the trust of the family.  
Excerpt from a letter to his mission president
Despues leí Alma 8 cuando el fue a Ammonihah y las personas lo rechazaron. El recién habia dejado una ciudad de puro oro y en esta nueva ciudad tenía 0 personas que querian apprender de el evangelio pero el ángel le mandó a él a regresar sin decirle que Amulek estaba esperando. Alma, despues de encontrar esta sola persona, los demas en la ciudad cambiaron. Veo como esto se me aplica. El Señor solamente nos pide que hablemos con todos para encontrar el uno. No sabemos quien es, pero sabemos que las bendiciones serán grandes y que el Senor a preparado muchas personas. 
Translation--After I read Alma chapter 8 when he went to Ammonihah and the people rejected him.  He had just left a city of pure gold and in this city he knew no one who wanted to learn of the gospel.  The angel commanded him to return without telling him that Amulek was waiting for him.  After Alma found Amulek, the city began to change through their missionary work.  I see how this applies to me.  Our Heavenly Father only asks that we speak with all to find the one.  We don't know who that person may be, but we do know that the blessings are great and that there are many that are prepared.
Couple of videos that he threw in this week.


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