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March 20 - March 26, 2018

Andrew Porter

Mar 26 (2 days ago)
to me
Hey guys,
Sorry about the late email.  We spent pretty much the whole day moving into the new house.  That is what we did for Pday and then we had to go down to Iquique para sacar plata.(take out money)  So that took some time.  This email will be pretty short so super sorry about that but I am uploading a lot of photos  :)
This week well just Friday was probably the strangest day I have had yet.  It started off with us packing up a lot of the house and moving it to the front patio.  We got to live out of some plastic bags and our suitcases for like 3 days.  Anyway that same day we were invited to preach in a fairly large Evangelical church which we are probably doing on Saturday after the afternoon session.  Also Sarah, the 8 year old girl we baptized made us some dope necklaces and it was pretty cute.  They are just the plastic beads.  I am keeping it but won't wear it because it keeps breaking.  
This week we were also robbed (that got your attention!)  Not to worry though, the thing was that this guy signaled us over and so we went over and offered him a pass along card.  No, he just wanted some coins to buy food, but we didn't have any so he wanted my pen (the 30 cent Bic ballpoint pen) to try to sell it.  He took it out of my pocket and then saw the nicer one in Elder Turner´s pocket and went for that, but I told him he couldn´t have it, then he started looking at my ring which I bought for less than 2 dollars at the feria.  It has scorpions on it, but it is really helpful for knocking doors.  He told me they were of the devil and I shouldn´t wear it, but I asked him where it said that in the Bible (an inside joke among missionaries) and well he didn´t say anything.  I then offered him the pass along card again and he just put it back in my pocket.  Then I told him that he could have my pen and we were leaving.  So that is what happened and I went without a pen for the rest of the day.  Also earlier that day (part of the reason we approached the man) was because just after lunch, we were walking down a street and a lady calls us from behind.  She told us she was menos activa and she wanted us to baptize her children, so of course we gladly accepted and now they have plans for being baptized within the next 2 weeks.  :)
We were also able to baptize Esteban on Monday and then we confirmed him on Tuesday because he had to leave for the mine and wouldn't be back for a while (so for 4 days we were giving saving ordinances daily)  That gave us a little more animo for the week.  Also Elder Turner (the other) and Elder Mckinlay had 20 investigators at church this week which is a mission record and they all came on their own.  
This week I am going to be studying a lot about service and faith and try to be a little bit more focused in that aspect.  
Right now the house is a wreck with stuff everywhere.  I will send some pics when it looks a little bit better. 
I am looking at buying a new camera, because the one I have is having a lot of issues for pictures that are not in broad daylight.
Hey guys, I know this gospel is true and I hope you all take advantage of the awesome conference that we have this weekend.  If you can, try to invite someone to watch a session (like the family of Alexis)  It would be really cool.
Thanks for all the throwback photos.  I am going to print some.  
Lots of Love!!!
Make sure to post all the photos soon because I am just going to refer everyone to that this week for the group email.

Elder Porter

Before our English classes

View of Iquique from Alto Hospicio


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