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May 15-May 21, 2018 and May 22 -May 27, 2018

May15- May 21
Super crazy and I am running short on time so sorry!
Probably the biggest news is that Elder Turner and I received special Transfers!  and it is not because we did anything bad. My comp is going to open up a new sector in Calama which is way hotter and colder than any other city in the mission.  It is like 4-5 thousand meters above sea level.  My new comp is coming in from another mission (south of Chile) and is from Argentina.  He is really new in the mission and I get the opportunity to train him de nuevo.  I am excited and a little nervous.  Its a big responsibility but I look forward to the challenge.  One thing Elder Turner and I decided to start saying is One degree more.  Whats the difference between water at 99 and 100 degrees?  It boils and so we are wanting to give just that little extra effort.  Should be a neat experience.
So today was also my birthday and we were able to visit the Esmeralda boat today because today is also a Chilean holiday that marks the battle of Iquique.  So we did that and then we went to the beach and then to the mall where I ate a really good burrito.  Elder McKinlay was nice enough to buy me an ice cream too.
Crazy day, and will be a crazy week. but Should be an adventure
Sending lots of happiness your way!
From the parent's letter:
So the Zone conference was way cool and I liked it a ton. Got to see Elder Moon and it was really good to see all the people from Arica as well (there is a photo with me and Sam)  Elder Packer focused a lot on forming the relationship of the investigator with God.  His wife also spoke and it was really neat.  I felt the Spirit very strongly as they bore there testimony of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.  One thing I didnt like as much was that it only lasted until about 2 which was out of the norm. Usually lasts a little longer.
So the baptism was way dope.  The family was menos activo and really they went all out on the reception afterwards.  IThey had a lot of people come to the service and it filled basically the whole chapel in conjunction with the 3 other baptisms that were happening.  We were going to have 2 baptisms, but right before the start of the second, the dad came by and said that he wasnt in acuerdo with it and that they were going to wait.  We have already baptized the brother and it was really kind of disappointing.  The mom was all for it, but I think in the presence of the dad, opinions are influenced.  We passed by yesterday to talk with them but the parents were out, so we talked to the girl and after a little bit, she started to cry because she really wanted this.  It hurt a lot to see her like that and I am afraid she wont get the opportunity but We are going to try with a lot of love to help her parents or the dad, change his mind.
So Saturday marked a bit turning point in the mission. Right before English class, we got a call from the Assistant and he told us that we were going to have a special cambio (transfers outside the normal sector).  Elder Turner is leaving to open up a sector in Calama (also I had a dream last night that that will be myi next sector and my dreams have been on point thus far).  I am really excited for the opportunity for him and I think it will be a good experience.   
Basically the reason that we have this is because there is a new missionary transferring in from the mission Chile Osorno to our mission.  From what I have heard, he is Argentine and has just finished his training.  The assistant said that President wanted to send him to a sector with fuego and give him the vision (dicen que Osorno doesn´t baptize) and so this will be my chance to train I think.  I am really excited and a little nervous.  He should be coming Tuesday or Thursday.  I dont know his name, but ZL Turner who is in the office told me he is transferring because he had allergies to wood smoke and well that is how they heat the houses down in the South of Chile.  SHould be a big culture shock de nuevo.
So my birthday was way good.  The 21 of May is a big holiday here too because of a naval battle with Peru  (I dont think Chile won haha)  anyways so there was a parade which I filmed of the different military branches.  We also went a took a tour of the Esmeralda which is the boat that sank so its a replica, but we did it as a zone activity.  Afterwards (we met a canadian family who are just traveling the world, #rich) we walked over to the playa Cavancha where we read Alma 7.  IT was really relaxing like EFY or something.  Then about half of us went to the mall where we ate lunch and Elder McKinlay bought me an ice cream.
So it was a pretty great week.  Lot of changes coming up.

May 22- May 27, 2018
Hey guys!
This week was not especially weird but super busy.  My comp ended up leaving on Tuesday afternoon A lot of people wanted to say goodbye but didn't have the chance to because we didn't have time and my hijito (the guy I am training) came on Thursday.  His name is Elder Luque from Buenos Aires, Argentina.  He has 6 months in the mission already but had to come in from another mission because of health problems.  Anyway, so now I am a trainer and I am excited for the challenging yet rewarding experience that it will be
That is all about that happened.  We had a lot of intercambios and we are working with a lot of new people.  We had a cool experience picking up investigators for church.  We had started off with only 4 but Elder Luque and I left right after sacrament to find some people that had said they would be coming but hadnt showed up.  Well we found 2 still waiting for the bus so I paid for a taxi and then we went back and there were 8 investigators in total.  Total miracle.
We did have a cool story from this week yesterday where basically we had 8 investigators at church and one of them was visiting.  Anyways, he was there and had been investigating the church for many years.  His wife said that he was in the process of learning and cultivating faith.  So we had him in our Gospel Principles class and we came in late but they were talking about some of his doubts and stuff and one of our investigators who isn't even baptized yet, gives a testimony about baptism.  Well by the end of the class, this hermano decided he wanted to be baptized! TA milagro.  We won't be the ones doing it but the important thing is that he takes that step.  Also that same investigator who gave her testimony was one that we had been trying to get to church for a month and she never could because she was sick.  Well she got better and she is excited for her baptism this week.
I cant believe how fast the time is passing.  Next cambio starts on Monday when I ocmplete 11 months and then a year in that same cambio.  Tah  Super rapido.
So that is the basics for the week.  Pray that we can continue having milagros and that I can help my hijito
Thanks for all the writing!
Nelson and I working solo while waiting for my comp to arrive
The agenda I made for my son (super ugly) but hilarious
Elder Luque!


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