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December 1-10, 2018

So to start off we decided to have a fast as a district and as such (it seems that every time during a fast, things get harder and worse) we had a really bad day on Thursday.  All the interviews that  I was going to do in our district fell through except for one that I was doing to someone in the hermanas sector who didn't want to live the ley de castidad.  Well, I can tell you that it didn't turn out.  So many things went wrong. When we finished, we went to the sand dune behind and me and Elder Burton yelled at the top of our lungs, but not in a despairing way, but just a way to give us animo because everything was out of our control and there are just days like that. After we yelled we said a prayer and headed back to the sector.  We got back to our sector just in time to the interview in our sector and the miracle happened and we got a baptism!  Roberto is a cool guy and is proud that he is ex-military, so we tried on his uniform.

My hijito is also pure fuego.  He went up to contact this family and we won over their confidence.  We passed by and joked that we were there to clean the bathroom and the uncle who was the least receptive invited us in. We read 3 nefi 11 together and it opened up his heart a little, and then they went back again on intercambio and they taught Plan de salvacion and he was really receptive.  Gospel softens hearts.  Also, his 2 nieces were able to make it to church. TA.  Also saw some miracles through the crazys in our sector giving us information so that we could find a friend.  We found her and were a ble to do an entrevista.  So a really good week with a hard spot no mas.

 We also did service this week. We went to go paint the church but ended up teaching English Class instead because they canceled the class late and student s showed up expecting a class but we still took a picture with a brand new paint roller to show our intent haha. 


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